Babel's Tower
By Chris J. Hart
This is a historical account, written to document how the occurrences of the past 19,000 years, of man’s folly, over-ambition and blind arrogance has led to destruction for the majority of our race: and something far worse for the rest. I have decided to create this account, for both my own benefit and the benefit of others. It is my hope that you will learn from the mistakes we have made so that you may not commit such crimes yourselves.
Chapter One.
It is the year 3411 that marks the true start of what was to come. A spiritual movement was conceived that allowed man to delve far deeper than before into the pit of arrogance and ignorance in which he already wandered. Up until the year 3000, man’s constant struggle with religious wars and terrorism hampered his development greatly and suppressed any change for the better that could possibly have taken place. After many wars, and the constant cyclical progression of hate breeding hate, it was concluded that the only way to defeat the problem was to attack it at its core; to attempt to change religion thoroughly. By this stage in man’s existence, he had developed the intellectual capacity to conceive in mass that religion, though laudable in its ideals, was fundamentally illogical. How could there be a God, all loving and caring like the most popular religions claimed, who was willing to let limitless pain and suffering occur amongst man and not intervene in the least? How could he let entire species, whether intelligent or not, become extinct as though they never existed? How could any of the worshipped Gods of the time be real if, when looked back over history, a vastness of different incarnations had been given by each religion, and each had held their God to be the only true one? It was therefore deduced by many that if indeed a God did exist at all, it was most likely that he was indifferent to his creations and cared not in the least about any of them. This led man into a period of agnosticism and what became known as nihilistic theism, led by many great philosophers and intellectuals who previously held these dispositions. This was aptly named the Movement of Spiritual Clarity. Through a realisation of this lack of love, love itself did not fail on Earth as one might think, but instead it grew exponentially. Man became less divided through his abolition of orthodox religions and united as one with pride in his own species, much as many unwanted children would band together in the absence of their parents and look out for each other.
One might wonder how this Movement of Spiritual Clarity was brought about, and how people so fixed in their beliefs that they were willing to die for them could be made to change their ways. The truth is that by this time man’s intellect had evolved and grown to the point where it was a natural thought to abandon these naive ideas of an all caring deity. Many religious wars were still being fought; more to protect and conserve nationalism and the religious traditions of those before them than because they really believed in their God. All that was needed was one major movement such as this to unite everyone in this new way of thinking.
For four thousand years man was at one with his new outlook on religion. His lack of animosity allowed him to focus instead on more important things such as developing science as far as possible and in this time vast developments were indeed made. The problems the planet faced, such as the ever dwindling fuels and the effects of global warming, were able to be given full attention and were, over time, solved completely. Population levels were now under strict control, meaning that mankind was free to give his attention to what it considered the two scientific fields most worth pursuing; deep space exploration and genetic engineering.
The planet was secured as a safe home for mankind. At least until a new danger arose.
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