Monday, 24 May 2010

Short story: 'Babel's Tower', Chapters 4 & 5 (out of 11)

Chapter Four.

All these three beings were conceived at the same time by different groups of scientists across the world in order to compare the development between them. Breeding was encouraged amongst them but strictly controlled. Within thirty years of creation their overall number had increased from the initial 90 to 146, and their number grew exponentially from then on. They were each fully aware of each other but were kept strictly apart until adulthood had been reached. After much deliberation, it was decided by normal man that each race should be given its own land to live on, and would be ruled over in no way by normal man except in his laws. They would be allowed to appoint their own leaders among themselves (which in truth they had already done) and live as they pleased, with some normal men living among them constantly so as to study them and maintain a solid relationship. With respect to their own wishes Spiritual Men were given several Northern continents to occupy, Physical Men several continents about the equator (in that their athletic nature demanded a hot climate) and Intellectual Men several in the South, all separated sufficiently by their creators so as not to cause strife between the races.

Chapter Five.

The relations that existed between these new races were few and far between due to extreme diversities. Intellectual Men and Spiritual Men looked upon each other primarily with respect, for they were able to see in each other an advanced species of a different kind they could converse with, at least to an extent. Secondly they looked upon each other with contempt, for both thought themselves superior to the other; and thirdly with a jealous eye, for although each thought their area of advancement the better one that would bring them closer to the ultimate goal, each looked upon the other’s with wonder. Spiritual Men wished to be able to achieve such a high level of intellect as to not rely on Intellectual Man’s experiments, and Intellectual Men wished they had the capability to connect fully with the wondrous plane which could give them clarity in their thinking and thus their work, which could possibly be the link they needed to the creator.

If the Intellectual Men and Spiritual Men looked down upon each other then they both did doubly so upon Physical Man. He were handled with care, for all the other men knew well enough how dangerous he was, but he was generally excluded from meetings among the races, especially regarding intellectual pursuits and the ultimate goal. Physical men despised the way they were looked upon as lesser beings. They desired to achieve the ultimate goal as much as any of the races, but did not care for the means, purely the result. All that concerned these men were the more simple pleasures of life, relaxing and enjoying what they were given. Among them existed the notion of romantic love, as well as monogamy. Adultery was greatly frowned upon in their community. What they were interested in most though of course, was personal advancement in all physical aspects. Fierce, highly regular athletic games existed, as well as showcases of many different individual ‘powers’ (as physical man named them) for entertainment’s sake, such as magnificent displays of telekinetic ability and amazing displays of super strength. All individuals were encouraged and aided in developing their power to its maximum potential, and through this astonishing things were achieved.

Regarding the factions that existed among man, each new race took on the train of thought they found most plausible and joined the respective faction. Intellectual Man took to the side of the believers, but to the faction that viewed the creator as an enemy who had perpetrated a great sin upon man kind in his carelessness that should be punished.

Physical Man on the other hand, due to his low level of intelligence, initially took the view that there was an all caring and loving God watching over him, and with whom he could share a mutual appreciation; but upon revealing this to the other races he was greeted with shock and anger that such a barbaric and ancient view could have re-formed in this day and age. He was shown the ‘error’ of his ways and taught to appreciate all three of the existing factions first, then told to choose which one suited him best. This led to Physical Men each choosing different factions to one another, causing (beneficially) their nation to become a very diverse one in terms of belief.

Spiritual Men were unified in their beliefs like Intellectual Man, yet did not share the same opinion. They believed that the plane they were able to connect with was not the creator himself but something definitely deeply linked to him. It was debated continuously as to its true nature and purpose but most believed it was the creator’s method of travel and of observing his experiments. There were times in this state, perhaps once every two decades or so, that a huge disruption occurred causing Spiritual Men to become mentally inept for however long the period of time lasted, resigning themselves to their homes, not being able to communicate or do anything accept sit in solitary meditation in awe of this wondrous increase in their perception and state of mind. It was said by many to be the presence of the creator when he came to make his observations on mankind. Within this time of resignation Spiritual Man claimed there was nothing but goodness and bliss in the world he perceived, which logically meant the creator was not an evil being. They all therefore took to the faction that believed in a God but held no hatred for him, believing him to be an essentially good if neglecting being, and looked upon him with the same indifference with which he looked upon mankind. Atheism then, was completely non-existent among the new races; it only remained with normal man. When this was realised by normal man, the atheists reasoned that if these higher beings they had created all believed in God then logically God had to exist and what they were doing was folly. From that day of realisation onwards, Atheism was forever dead among mankind.

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